Katarina Counter

Sinsi Bıçak

Who counters Katarina? Learn how to counter Katarina based on matchup stats against high elo Katarina one tricks/mains and find the best Katarina counter.

vs. Search mid matchups
En İyi
En Kötü
*Champion counter win rates are lower due to one tricks having higher average win rates overall

Katarina Mains
vs All Mid Matchups

Overall Stat
55.9%Kazanma Oranı
-7 CS Diff pre 6
-10 CS Diff at 15
-11 CS Diff
-29 Gold Diff pre 6
254 Gold Diff at 15
882 Gold Diff
-43 EXP Diff pre 6
-7 EXP Diff at 15
117 EXP Diff

Average Stats over Time

Gold Diff
CS Diff
EXP Diff
*Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion mastery