직스 See Also 애쉬 랭킹 진 랭킹마법공학 폭파병Who is the best 직스 player? Find the best high elo 직스 one tricks (OTP) and mains in NA, KR, and EUW 빌드 랭킹카운터ARAMStreamersBETAOne Trick 랭킹S2024 - Split 3AllNAKREUWRole:정보 숨기기 OTP only RnkTierGrandmasterPlayerR F LP출현율 플레이수 게임 승률 승률 KDA 1Challengerschool shooter69 #sigma EUW1: 808 LP20%4365%3.65:12GrandmasterEffortless #Kind EUW1: 561 LP23%3972%4.5:13GrandmasterTsiperakos #MID EUW1: 466 LP21%4558%3.18:14MasterNeltran #EUW EUW1: 380 LP58%8357%3.93:1 OTP5Master2oikz #KR1 KR: 301 LP33%6754%4.98:16Master작고귀엽다 #KR1 KR: 286 LP76%21554%2.56:1 OTP7MasterFadèd #EUW EUW1: 269 LP25%7551%2.89:18Masterjoong2 #NA1 NA1: 221 LP32%10053%2.68:19MasterNever Story #7006 NA1: 118 LP29%7057%3.72:110Masterohhhhhh #EUW EUW1: 94 LP99%9464%3.51:1 OTP11MasterStålis #EUW EUW1: 78 LP43%6954%2.88:112MasterZayno #NA1 NA1: 73 LP96%9355%3:1 OTP13Master김직스 #KR2 KR: 37 LP83%18759%2.68:1 OTP14MasterOzkuPr0 #EUW EUW1: 6 LP80%28450%2.28:1 OTP