릴리아 See Also 카직스 랭킹 비에고 랭킹수줍은 꽃Who is the best 릴리아 player? Find the best high elo 릴리아 one tricks (OTP) and mains in NA, KR, and EUW 빌드 랭킹카운터ARAMStreamersBETAOne Trick 랭킹S2024 - Split 3AllNAKREUWRole:정보 숨기기 OTP only RnkTierGrandmasterPlayerR F LP출현율 플레이수 게임 승률 승률 KDA 1ChallengerCoach Kirei #Coach EUW1: 828 LP23%7466%4.27:12Grandmaster05JUG #TAO KR: 681 LP23%3155%3.98:13GrandmasterBatman #EUW2 EUW1: 572 LP56%13761%3.72:14Grandmasterhammerul #jung EUW1: 459 LP37%3158%3.58:15MasterM3SAL #HONEY EUW1: 373 LP42%3858%3.56:16MasterB급 영화 주인공 #end KR: 359 LP26%4060%3.38:17MasterASALIYA #ABU EUW1: 332 LP32%7962%4.03:18MasterOlunn #EUW EUW1: 320 LP29%7457%3.33:19Masterxbanasz lover #Queen EUW1: 285 LP78%19358%2.79:1 OTP10Masterdddddd #000 EUW1: 273 LP38%15852%4.3:111MasterONMYOWN #own KR: 244 LP88%14261%4.26:1 OTP12MasterABU L ASL #EUW EUW1: 234 LP30%3964%4.16:113MasterEnd of the Wrld #999 NA1: 196 LP66%28454%3.43:114MasterLullaby #bedge NA1: 168 LP45%8366%3.65:1 OTP15Masterlillias fiancé #meme EUW1: 57 LP82%26350%3:1 OTP16Master토닥임 #릴리아 KR: 53 LP100%10857%3.88:1 OTP17Master종혀니이잉 #KR1 KR: 16 LP24%5050%3.16:1