Rengar vs Fiddlesticks Learn how to vs Fiddlesticks as Rengar. We aggregate Rengar vs Fiddlesticks high elo matchup stats from Rengar one tricks and mains Kurulum SıralamaCountersARAMStreamersBETARole:vs. En İyiEn KötüBest Jungle Picks vs Rengar JungleBest Early Matchups vs Rengar Jungle Rengar Mains vs Fiddlesticks Jungle vs FiddlesticksOverall Stat 56.8%58%Kazanma Oranı3:12.87:1KDA22 CS Diff pre 687 CS Diff at 154325 CS Diff14859 Gold Diff pre 6674383 Gold Diff at 1523711266 Gold Diff8876 EXP Diff pre 6510352 EXP Diff at 1525911374 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 118 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryRengar OTP Builds vs Fiddlesticks Jungle