vs Kennen

Learn how to vs Kennen as Olaf. We aggregate Olaf vs Kennen high elo matchup stats from Olaf one tricks and mains

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Olaf Mains
vs Kennen Top

vs KennenOverall Stat
55.4%55.9%Kazanma Oranı
-41 CS Diff pre 6
-35 CS Diff at 15
810 CS Diff
-9176 Gold Diff pre 6
282475 Gold Diff at 15
1090986 Gold Diff
-170-35 EXP Diff pre 6
-68179 EXP Diff at 15
466368 EXP Diff

Average Stats over Time

Gold Diff
CS Diff
EXP Diff

Number of games: 148
*Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion mastery
Olaf OTP Builds vs Kennen Top