Lee Sin vs Zac Learn how to vs Zac as Lee Sin. We aggregate Lee Sin vs Zac high elo matchup stats from Lee Sin one tricks and mains Kurulum SıralamaCountersARAMStreamersOPEN BETARole:vs. En İyiEn KötüBest Jungle Picks vs Lee Sin JungleBest Early Matchups vs Lee Sin Jungle Lee Sin Mains vs Zac Jungle vs ZacOverall Stat 56%56%Kazanma Oranı3.29:13.4:1KDA20 CS Diff pre 64-2 CS Diff at 158-8 CS Diff20095 Gold Diff pre 6527264 Gold Diff at 15881287 Gold Diff688 EXP Diff pre 619625 EXP Diff at 154079 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP Diff0 min3691215182124273002505007501000goldDiff vs ZacgoldDiff vs allNumber of games: 425 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryLee Sin OTP Builds vs Zac Jungle