Kha'Zix vs Warwick Learn how to vs Warwick as Kha'Zix. We aggregate Kha'Zix vs Warwick high elo matchup stats from Kha'Zix one tricks and mains Kurulum SıralamaCountersARAMStreamersBETARole:vs. En İyiEn KötüBest Jungle Picks vs Kha'Zix JungleBest Early Matchups vs Kha'Zix Jungle Kha'Zix Mains vs Warwick Jungle vs WarwickOverall Stat 64.2%56.8%Kazanma Oranı3.62:13.17:1KDA31 CS Diff pre 6125 CS Diff at 153814 CS Diff2382 Gold Diff pre 6261339 Gold Diff at 151556856 Gold Diff14735 EXP Diff pre 6531319 EXP Diff at 152177994 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 137 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryKha'Zix OTP Builds vs Warwick Jungle