Kalista vs Tristana Learn how to vs Tristana as Kalista. We aggregate Kalista vs Tristana high elo matchup stats from Kalista one tricks and mains Kurulum SıralamaCountersARAMStreamersBETARole:vs. En İyiEn KötüBest Bot Picks vs Kalista BotBest Lane Matchups vs Kalista Bot Kalista Mains vs Tristana Bot vs TristanaOverall Stat 57.4%58.3%Kazanma Oranı2.49:12.7:1KDA75 CS Diff pre 61812 CS Diff at 151612 CS Diff328330 Gold Diff pre 66561020 Gold Diff at 158031431 Gold Diff13883 EXP Diff pre 6296281 EXP Diff at 15218337 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 115 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryKalista OTP Builds vs Tristana Bot