vs Lux

Learn how to vs Lux as Bard. We aggregate Bard vs Lux high elo matchup stats from Bard one tricks and mains

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Bard Mains
vs Lux Supp

vs LuxOverall Stat
57.3%57.2%Kazanma Oranı
0-1 CS Diff pre 6
-6-4 CS Diff at 15
-16-3 CS Diff
-56-1 Gold Diff pre 6
-14945 Gold Diff at 15
-158275 Gold Diff
-3734 EXP Diff pre 6
91182 EXP Diff at 15
602702 EXP Diff

Average Stats over Time

Gold Diff
CS Diff
EXP Diff

Number of games: 293
*Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion mastery
Bard OTP Builds vs Lux Supp