• OneTricks.gg

Dr. Mundo
vs Zac

Learn how to vs Zac as Dr. Mundo. We aggregate Dr. Mundo vs Zac high elo matchup stats from Dr. Mundo one tricks and mains


Dr. Mundo Mains
vs Zac Top

vs ZacOverall Stat
64.1%57.3%Taxa de Vitória
1-4 CS Diff pre 6
12-1 CS Diff at 15
375 CS Diff
42-104 Gold Diff pre 6
41481 Gold Diff at 15
1678493 Gold Diff
82-49 EXP Diff pre 6
28067 EXP Diff at 15
1361461 EXP Diff

Average Stats over Time

Gold Diff
CS Diff
EXP Diff

Number of games: 64
*Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion mastery
Dr. Mundo OTP Builds vs Zac Top