Lee Sin vs Rammus Learn how to vs Rammus as Lee Sin. We aggregate Lee Sin vs Rammus high elo matchup stats from Lee Sin one tricks and mains Build RankingCountersARAMStreamersOPEN BETARole:vs. BestWorstBest Jungle Picks vs Lee Sin JungleBest Early Matchups vs Lee Sin Jungle Lee Sin Mains vs Rammus Jungle vs RammusOverall Stat 56.6%56%Win Rate3.74:13.4:1KDA30 CS Diff pre 613-2 CS Diff at 1520-8 CS Diff18195 Gold Diff pre 6956264 Gold Diff at 151798287 Gold Diff1528 EXP Diff pre 660325 EXP Diff at 157449 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP Diff0 min36912151821242730045090013501800goldDiff vs RammusgoldDiff vs allNumber of games: 53 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryLee Sin OTP Builds vs Rammus Jungle