Aurelion Sol vs Diana Learn how to vs Diana as Aurelion Sol. We aggregate Aurelion Sol vs Diana high elo matchup stats from Aurelion Sol one tricks and mains Build RankingCountersARAMStreamersOPEN BETARole:vs. BestWorstBest Mid Picks vs Aurelion Sol MidBest Lane Matchups vs Aurelion Sol MidMost Banned Aurelion Sol Mains vs Diana Mid vs DianaOverall Stat 53%55%Win Rate2.98:13.3:1KDA-1-2 CS Diff pre 6-2-6 CS Diff at 15-20 CS Diff-176-94 Gold Diff pre 6-848-439 Gold Diff at 15-829-48 Gold Diff-174-110 EXP Diff pre 6-406-320 EXP Diff at 15-123132 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP Diff0 min36912151821242730-1500-1000-5000500goldDiff vs DianagoldDiff vs allNumber of games: 66 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryAurelion Sol OTP Builds vs Diana Mid