럭스 vs 잔나 Learn how to vs 잔나 as 럭스. We aggregate 럭스 vs 잔나 high elo matchup stats from 럭스 one tricks and mains 빌드 랭킹카운터ARAMStreamersOPEN BETARole:vs. 베스트가장 나쁜Best Supp Picks vs 럭스 SuppBest Lane Matchups vs 럭스 Supp 럭스 Mains vs 잔나 Supp vs 잔나Overall Stat 48.4%55.4%승률2.96:13.12:1KDA10 CS Diff pre 663 CS Diff at 151712 CS Diff11996 Gold Diff pre 6315440 Gold Diff at 15785934 Gold Diff10658 EXP Diff pre 6224218 EXP Diff at 1544344 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 126 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion mastery럭스 OTP Builds vs 잔나 Supp