카르마 vs 세라핀 Learn how to vs 세라핀 as 카르마. We aggregate 카르마 vs 세라핀 high elo matchup stats from 카르마 one tricks and mains 빌드 랭킹카운터ARAMStreamersOPEN BETARole:vs. 베스트가장 나쁜Best Supp Picks vs 카르마 SuppBest Lane Matchups vs 카르마 Supp 카르마 Mains vs 세라핀 Supp vs 세라핀Overall Stat 55.5%56.8%승률2.91:13.2:1KDA0-1 CS Diff pre 6-10 CS Diff at 15-13 CS Diff-157 Gold Diff pre 6157238 Gold Diff at 15191363 Gold Diff453 EXP Diff pre 6-4896 EXP Diff at 15-164183 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 236 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion mastery카르마 OTP Builds vs 세라핀 Supp