이즈리얼 vs 미스 포츈 Learn how to vs 미스 포츈 as 이즈리얼. We aggregate 이즈리얼 vs 미스 포츈 high elo matchup stats from 이즈리얼 one tricks and mains 빌드 랭킹카운터ARAMStreamersOPEN BETARole:vs. 베스트가장 나쁜Best Bot Picks vs 이즈리얼 BotBest Lane Matchups vs 이즈리얼 BotMost Banned 이즈리얼 Mains vs 미스 포츈 Bot vs 미스 포츈Overall Stat 59.3%56.7%승률3.15:12.89:1KDA12 CS Diff pre 625 CS Diff at 1521 CS Diff14090 Gold Diff pre 6314200 Gold Diff at 15479199 Gold Diff4957 EXP Diff pre 6223182 EXP Diff at 15654341 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 263 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion mastery이즈리얼 OTP Builds vs 미스 포츈 Bot