Nocturne vs Jarvan IV. Learn how to vs Jarvan IV. as Nocturne. We aggregate Nocturne vs Jarvan IV. high elo matchup stats from Nocturne one tricks and mains Build RankingCountersARAMStreamersBETARole:vs. BestWorstBest Jungle Picks vs Nocturne JungleBest Early Matchups vs Nocturne Jungle Nocturne Mains vs Jarvan IV. Jungle vs Jarvan IV.Overall Stat 52.8%55.4%Win Rate2.7:12.93:1KDA32 CS Diff pre 6105 CS Diff at 15218 CS Diff0-2 Gold Diff pre 6181105 Gold Diff at 15353152 Gold Diff8977 EXP Diff pre 6304128 EXP Diff at 15456246 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 500 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryNocturne OTP Builds vs Jarvan IV. Jungle