Caitlyn vs Zeri Learn how to vs Zeri as Caitlyn. We aggregate Caitlyn vs Zeri high elo matchup stats from Caitlyn one tricks and mains Build RankingCountersARAMStreamersBETARole:vs. BestWorstBest Bot Picks vs Caitlyn BotBest Lane Matchups vs Caitlyn Bot Caitlyn Mains vs Zeri Bot vs ZeriOverall Stat 55%57%Win Rate2.95:12.63:1KDA44 CS Diff pre 697 CS Diff at 1509 CS Diff20985 Gold Diff pre 6706353 Gold Diff at 151024868 Gold Diff9932 EXP Diff pre 634147 EXP Diff at 15377241 EXP DiffAverage Stats over TimeGold DiffCS DiffEXP DiffNumber of games: 140 *Onetricks tend to have better-than-average stats due to their champion masteryCaitlyn OTP Builds vs Zeri Bot